I find it ironic that I title this "Summer of Blessings", when I just served at camp, who's name, Barakel, is translated as "God has Blessed"
God has Blessed...truly he has
I was able to serve at this camp, be used in ways I didn't know I could, and best of all, I was able to strengthen and grow in my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ.
Of course there are many stories, but they're meant to be heard, not read.
The best story you can read is of Jesus Christ coming down to this earth, humbling himself, spreading his message, and dying on the cross for our sins that we might be saved.
All we have to do is confess with our tongues, and believe with our hearts- Romans 10:10 (paraphrased)
If your really saved, your life, your actions, your thoughts should be evidence, Matthew 3:8 tells us to prove by the way we live that we have repented and turned to God.
I hope that anyone who reads this, see's that evidence in my life. Ask me how I'm doing, I don't care if you go to church five times a day, or drink five bottles whiskey...if you see me slipping, hit me up.
I really am not sure of how God is going to use me in this world, but perhaps I should just live for Him, glorify Him, praise Him, and spread His message. I'll let those technical details be worked out as they come.
Phillipians 4:6-7 tells us not to worry, but to pray
I'm going to need all the boldness, zeal, courage, love, and patience in the world as I return to school. I return a new creation, PRAISE THE LORD!!!