Sunday, November 8, 2009


So as November begins to blossom, I figure that it never hurts to procrastinate my studying by blogging a little bit.

I struggled immensely during the month of October, I wanted to leave WMU so badly. I just wanted to leave music and the people behind. I am so influenced by them, it is simply way too easy to follow their mannerisms, attitudes, and words...and just act like there's nothing you can do.

Well there is something I can do, and that is pray.

I can cry out to God, and ask him to forgive me for internalizing my stress instead of pouring it out on him, for following the ways of this world, to let myself be influenced by how others react and speak.

It's all about submission, and I'm full of pride.

Jesus came to this earth, a baby, went through EVERYTHING I've gone through and more. He humbled himself like woah. He cried out to His Father, and submitted. Here I sit, a weak human, and I believe myself to be strong.

Romans 8:26 lets me know that I can have HIS strength, even though I am weak. It comes down to me making a choice to forgo my pride and submit to the Holy Spirit interceding with groans deeper than words can express.


God knows I'm a stubborn fool, he knows I like to keep it all inside, but if I did that, I would be completely ignoring what I learned this summer. I could not stop myself from opening up this summer, I was truly honest about everything. I paid attention to the words and advice of my mentors and friends, and let God do the work as much as possible. As a result, I was brought to tears so often, and grew so much. My heart was tenderized and my soul renewed.

I'm not perfect, my pride will keep fighting me, but everyday, I hope I am one step closer to Christlikeness.

Ya'll brothers and sisters out there reading this, encourage me in this fight. Some of you know how intense this semester has been for me in the struggle department, and you also know that God has still kept his promise!!!!

Yep, that's right, amidst the storm, God has kept his promise to take care of me.

Some of you wonder how I am coping, and some days the only answer I can give is "I don't know, God must really be doing wonders though".

I'm so blessed to have the friends I do, that listen to me, encourage me, and meet with me to help me with my spiritual growth.

God Bless all of you,


James 4:8-Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you.

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong bud. lean on Christ, and He'll get you through anything.
